Saturday, November 10, 2007

I took my son to get a haircut this morning. As we were walking, I felt the cool, damp November wind on my face. Man, what a reminder of why being alive is so wonderful. My senses...I love rediscovering them!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Me Vs the big, bad world

Yeah, my world sometimes seems like it's crashing down and problems are so huge. I need to look out the window. The world is bigger than I am and millions occupy the earth with joys, sorrows, and roads that they must follow. I'm not the only one out there...that means that I am one of many. My fear of life isolates me and tells me that it can't get better or different. It's time to reach out, kick fear to the curb, reach out and become part of the world. Open your eyes and reach out your hand... If I'm walking with you and my eyes are outward instead of inward and focused on gets a lot easier and more fun.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Beginning

So, why am starting this blog? Good question. It's just a place to give myself some short reminders about the wonderful things that occur in life. I don't know how many times I roll around in the muck of my own crap and negativity. It's time to rise up, point my face to the sun and thank God for the things I've been given. If I just write and no one reads...that's fine. If some folks show up for the ride, that's okay too. I'll be here...checking in daily to be grateful and remind myself of what life can be. See ya.